Tag: Writing

Emotive language

This week i learned about how to do some Emotive language.

First Miss White shoed as inscruction how to do some Emotive language. Emotive language means a word that makes you feel a certain way.

I did well at doing my blog post.

I need to improve my spelling.

I enjoyed maying the DLO .

Informal letter

This week we needed to write Informal letter. 

First we need to write about the Informal letter to Family and friends.

I wrote my letters to my mum and my brother.

I enjoyed writing these letters to my family. I did well at writing my message. I need to improve on my spelling.




Rhyming perfect poem

First Mr Wong got me  some paper to write about  kitttens.

This is a perfect rhyme  poem I am learning.

First I got words that rhyme sounds like sat, cat, mat, rat and bat.

Then I started to think about cats and kittens.

here is my  Poem

Cats are funny

cats are hungry,

cats are angry

and hairy and crazy.


I Love cats and kittens too.




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