
This week I learned how to do a poem.
First Miss White give us an example abuot the what we need to do.
Next we need to go onto it and we all so need to pick a animal and the animal that I picked
and I picked a cat.

Then we need to show Miss white My walke and she Said to do your  bloge poest then I show Miss Tele’a my walke.

I enjoyed at ritting my poem

I need to get beter at spallying 

James Busby.

kia ora my name is lila me and my friend valencia work on work sheet about James Busby and we had to find some facts about him.Here is our work.

James Busby was appointed as the first British Resident of New Zealand, arriving in May 1833. He was to protect both the Māori people of New Zealand and the British settlers. Busby lived in the house at Waitangi which is now known as ‘The Treaty House’. He lived there with his wife Agnes, and their six children.

Honey makers

Today in reading I learnt about honey makers.

First Miss white explained about the story and then we need to write 20 words.

Then I picked six  important words from the 20 words.

After that  I did a summary on how honey makers make honey.

I enjoyed reading the story.I need to improve on my spelling.I did well on finding the most importent words.

makeing a Marble maze

This week we learnt how make a marble maze.

  1. First we needed to make a make marble maze our chromebooks first.
  2. Then we had them printed.
  3. We had to stick them on a board.
  4. Cut and measure straws to stick on the lines.
  5. Glue them onto the paper.
  6. Get marble to test it out.


Informal letter

This week we needed to write Informal letter. 

First we need to write about the Informal letter to Family and friends.

I wrote my letters to my mum and my brother.

I enjoyed writing these letters to my family. I did well at writing my message. I need to improve on my spelling.




HPE Shot Put

Today I learned how to do shotput.

First we need to sit on the floor then Ms Jo gaive us example

And then he taught  us how to thow the tennes ball properly.

and we need to have three middle fingers so you can put the ball in your hand.

And then I did to turn my body Around did a little push when I need to do a little threw the ball.


this week we did same pe.

First cach ceched us wat to do and we all lest to him.

Next we did same games to and then we go the cons to run to the hola hops to pot the canes in the hoalhops.

Next I run to the fins and back and the  girls went fost and then the boys went to.

Next we played rats and  rabes and the rats was chreing to get the rabes and then the rabes is was ching to get the rats.

I in enjoy the pe so shood get bet tro at runing.

Rhyming perfect poem

First Mr Wong got me  some paper to write about  kitttens.

This is a perfect rhyme  poem I am learning.

First I got words that rhyme sounds like sat, cat, mat, rat and bat.

Then I started to think about cats and kittens.

here is my  Poem

Cats are funny

cats are hungry,

cats are angry

and hairy and crazy.


I Love cats and kittens too.